Top "Laravel-5.8" questions

Laravel 5.8 is the previous stable version of the open-source PHP web framework created by Taylor Otwell.

Server error 500 when accessing Laravel 5.8

After installing laravel in blog directory, when I try to check it runs normally or not by accessing localhost/blog/…

laravel xampp laravel-5.8
How to enable CORS in Laravel?

I am in Laravel 5.8 - I kept getting this CORS issue I've tried php artisan make:middleware Cors Add these …

php laravel laravel-5 cors laravel-5.8
The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST. laravel 5.8 Ajax

I am trying to understand more about how to save data from ajax request into the database on laravel, The …

php jquery ajax laravel laravel-5.8
419 Page Expired Laravel 5.8 - After Login

I Created one Project in Laravel 5.8. In my Local Environment(PHP 7.2) its working good. when i hosted this project in …

php laravel laravel-5.8
Laravel 5.8 , artisan commands error : Failed to parse dotenv file due to an invalid name

This problem only happens with Laravel 5.8 on my shared hosting. It is working fine in my shared hosting with Laravel 5.7. …

shared-hosting laravel-5.8 laravel-artisan phpdotenv
composer require laravel/passport not working in laravel 5.8

I'm using Laravel 5.8 although 6.0.3 is available. I'm using it because the tutorial I'm following is using Laravel 5.8. When, I command: …

laravel laravel-5.8 laravel-passport
Laravel API Routes Not Found

Im new to API and Vue. Im working on Laravel 5.8 api.php and controllers and views and it only return 404 …

php laravel api vue.js laravel-5.8
Laravel 5.8 showing "419 Page Expired" after clicking logout from an already cleared session

I run the php artisan make:auth command and I will explain step by step what I do after that …

php laravel laravel-5 laravel-5.8
How to install Laravel 5.8

$ composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel="5.8.*" larastart it's not working and I tried some other ways too but not worked for …

php laravel laravel-5.8 laravel-5.7 laravel-6
SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'laravel'

I am getting this error while trying to save an object into DB. SQLSTATE[HY000] [1049] Unknown database 'laravel' (SQL: insert …

php mysql laravel laravel-5.8