Server error 500 when accessing Laravel 5.8

Zulfikar Sandy Pratama picture Zulfikar Sandy Pratama · Apr 16, 2019 · Viewed 20.4k times · Source

After installing laravel in blog directory, when I try to check it runs normally or not by accessing localhost/blog/public it shows 500 Server error like this screenshot :

enter image description here

I've tried to grant apache with mod_rewrite and it didn't help.

I installed laravel with XAMPP in Windows.


UPDATE : Here is the log file in the storage/logs/ and .env file link


Safak Ciplak picture Safak Ciplak · Apr 16, 2019

do you have .env file

in terminal

cp .env.example .env

php artisan key:generate

chmod 777 -R  storage