Top "X86-16" questions

For programming and/or microarchitecture questions about the 16-bit x86 Intel CPUs, including the 8088, 8086, and later chips running in 16-bit mode.

Cannot move 8 bit address to 16 bit register

I am trying to assign variable to register here is the code: ORG 100h var1 DB 10 ; var2 DB 20 ; MOV BX,…

assembly x86 x86-16 emu8086
stack segment and stack pointer in 8086

I'm a little bit confused with stack segment (ss) and stack pointer (sp) registers . when the stack is empty, is …

assembly stack x86-16 segment
A2004 Problem With MASM32

I have a problem with the MASM32 assembler The following code is a Hello World example that I copied from …

assembly masm x86-16 masm32