For programming and/or microarchitecture questions about the 16-bit x86 Intel CPUs, including the 8088, 8086, and later chips running in 16-bit mode.
Can someone please explain the functions of these three instructions? ORG 1000H MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX I know …
assembly x86-16 real-mode memory-segmentationI'm getting stair-step output like this My program works correctly, except that when I print a new line, and then …
assembly dos x86-16When I use ADC for exmaple: AL = 01 and BL = 02, and CF = 1 when I make this: ADC AL,BL Will AL …
assembly x86-16 machine-instructionI saw the following question on a test paper, Question VarM DWORD ABBF01598h Give the contents of registers al, …
assembly x86-16 pointersI am a beginner of Assembly Programming... I surfed a lot in google. There is a lot of information, but …
assembly x86-16Most of the assembly code is terminate by the following instructions MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H What does it mean …
assembly dos x86-16 instructionsI've been reading around and with the 8086 Instruction Set, it says that a CMP (compare) can set the Carry Flag. …
assembly x86-16 subtractionIn 8086 assembly programming, we can only load a data into a segment register by, first loading it into a general …
assembly x86 x86-16 cpu-registers instruction-set