Top "X86-16" questions

For programming and/or microarchitecture questions about the 16-bit x86 Intel CPUs, including the 8088, 8086, and later chips running in 16-bit mode.


Can someone please explain the functions of these three instructions? ORG 1000H MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX I know …

assembly x86-16 real-mode memory-segmentation
Newline in 8086 assembly language: my text prints stair-stepped

I'm getting stair-step output like this My program works correctly, except that when I print a new line, and then …

assembly dos x86-16
ADC instruction in ASM 8086

When I use ADC for exmaple: AL = 01 and BL = 02, and CF = 1 when I make this: ADC AL,BL Will AL …

assembly x86-16 machine-instruction
Difference between byte ptr and word ptr

I saw the following question on a test paper, Question VarM DWORD ABBF01598h Give the contents of registers al, …

assembly x86-16 pointers
When Will the Code Under DATA SEGMENT execute in this code?

I am a beginner of Assembly Programming... I surfed a lot in google. There is a lot of information, but …

assembly x86-16
What does it mean by "MOV AH, 4CH" in assembly language?

Most of the assembly code is terminate by the following instructions MOV AH, 4CH INT 21H What does it mean …

assembly dos x86-16 instructions
Assembly Basics: Output register value

I just started learning assembly language and I am already stuck on the part to "display the decimal values stored …

assembly dos x86-16 emu8086
Why does CMP (compare) sometimes sets a Carry Flag in 8086 assembly?

I've been reading around and with the 8086 Instruction Set, it says that a CMP (compare) can set the Carry Flag. …

assembly x86-16 subtraction
8086- why can't we move an immediate data into segment register?

In 8086 assembly programming, we can only load a data into a segment register by, first loading it into a general …

assembly x86 x86-16 cpu-registers instruction-set
What are near, far and huge pointers?

Can anyone explain to me these pointers with a suitable example ... and when these pointers are used?

c++ c pointers x86 x86-16