Top "Wsdl" questions

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML based, human- and machine-readable language used to describe a web service.

How can I use async/await to call a webservice?

I have a webservice written in Yii (php framework). I use C# and Visual Studio 2012 to develop a WP8 application. …

c# soap windows-phone-8 wsdl
Maven trouble when trying to generate from WSDL file

Im trying to generate sources from a wsdl file, but I keep running into an error on my pom.xml …

eclipse soap jaxb wsdl maven-jaxb2-plugin
Howto generate classes from WSDL and XSD with gradle, equivalent to maven-jaxb2-plugin

I want to switch my Maven2 build file to gradle. Generating the java classes from WSDL + XSDs with gradle seems …

java maven wsdl gradle maven-jaxb2-plugin
What is the best way to download all of the WSDL files exposed by a WCF service?

What is the best way to download all of the WSDL files exposed by a WCF service? For example, the …

.net wcf web-services soap wsdl
What do you recommend using for graphically visualizing a WSDL?

I'm looking for a good solution for graphically viewing a SOAP-based web service and possibly interacting with it (for testing …

web-services soap wsdl
Create python soap server based on wsdl

I have an wsdl file describing the communication server-client on a Java product. I'm implementing a new server based on …

python soap wsdl
wsdl.exe Error: Unable to import binding '...' from namespace '...'

When running wsdl.exe on a WSDL I created, I get this error: Error: Unable to import binding 'SomeBinding' from …

.net soap wsdl
Controlling JAX-WS wsdlLocation attribute value's (absolute path) with jaxws-maven-plugin

I have a JAX-WS-driven web service whose WSDL we generate a web service client from in another Maven module (which …

java web-services maven wsdl jax-ws
Can I disable SOP (Same Origin Policy) on any browser for development?

I want to develop JavaScript on my Windows machine. Do you know a browser where I can turn off Same …

javascript soap wsdl same-origin-policy
WCF hosting: Can access svc file but cannot go to wsdl link

I have a WCF service that is hosted in IIS 7.5. I have two servers, one for test and one for …

wcf wsdl