Top "Wsdl" questions

Web Service Description Language (WSDL) is an XML based, human- and machine-readable language used to describe a web service.

How to generate a WSDL file from a C# webservice

I've created a WebService like this: [WebService(Namespace = "http://ns")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] public class GroupManagerService : WebService { public GroupManagerService() { } […

c# web-services sharepoint wsdl asmx
How to use a WSDL File to create a WCF Proxy?

I have an old WSDL file and I want to use WCF to communicate with the service. The WSDL is …

wcf wsdl
Consume webservice service in SPRING-WS using wsdl

I have WSDL with me .eg: /sample/hello?wsdl . I want to invoke the service the webservice by configuring in …

spring web-services wsdl spring-ws
How to generate a SOAP message with a fully populated request from WSDL without code gen

I would like to ask you how I can generate a SOAP request/response in a XML format on the …

java web-services soap wsdl
WCF: how to generate a single WSDL document, without WSDL:import?

I'm troubling into an issue... I'm trying to find a way to generate a single wsdl document from my WCF …

wcf web-services wsdl namespaces
Sending XML input to WSDL using SoapClient

I have this WSDL: I am trying to use SoapClient to …

php soap wsdl soap-client
nillable and minOccurs XSD element attributes

I am going back and forth with setting an element to minOccurs="0" and nillable="true". I was reading this article …

xml xsd wsdl
Adding SOAP implicit headers to WSDL

My question is similar to this. How To Pass Soap Header When WSDL Doesn't Define It? But is different. For …

soap wsdl soapheader
How to create web API service in PHP

Possible Duplicate: Is it necessary to have a wsdl file for the creation of a webservice in php? I want …

php web-services wsdl
Create an ASMX web service from a WSDL file

I have a WSDL file and I am trying to create a web service that conforms to the WSDL. I've … web-services wsdl asmx