Top "Wql" questions

The WMI Query Language (WQL) is a subset of the American National Standards Institute Structured Query Language (ANSI SQL)—with minor semantic changes.

How to get total physical memory (ram) information in GB by WMI query?

I know how to get total physical memory from win32_computersystem class. but that comes in bytes or kb. I …

windows wmi wmic wql
How to join in a WMI Query (WQL)

I want to get the serial number of the boot-harddisk via a WQL query. The boot-partition can be retrieved using …

c++ vbscript wmi wql
Joining two tables in WQL/SCCM

I think I'm being really stupid here. I'm using vbscript. I've connected to an SCCM server Set locator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.…

join vbscript wmi wql sccm
Getting CPU ID code from C# to be in C++

I have this C# code to get Processor ID but I'm not able to pass it to C++, I tried …

c# c++ wmi wql cpuid
Process Start Event Using WMI - Not All Process Starts Being Detected

I am using the following C# code in a Windows Service (which runs as NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM) to create an …

c# events process wmi wql
WQL does not support TOP - need workaround

WQL (basically SQL for WMI) does not support a TOP or LIMIT keyword. Sql Server used TOP and many other …

sql wmi wmi-query wql