Top "Wmic" questions

WMIC stands for Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line

How to view user privileges using windows cmd?

I am trying to view the user privileges using the command prompt in Windows. User account & User privileges such …

windows powershell cmd privileges wmic
What "wmic bios get serialnumber" actually retrieves?

I wonder what sort of serialnumber wmic bios get serialnumber Windows commad actually gives you? Is it serial number of …

bios wmic
Determine Domain and username used to map a network drive

Using Windows 7 Enterprise with SP1, but I'm hoping to get a generic answer that would apply to Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista/7. …

windows authentication wmic mapped-drive
Command to get Hard disk & processor spec remotely

What is the command(s) helps to get information of the Hard disk & processor in a remote windows machine ?

windows cmd wmic
How to get total physical memory (ram) information in GB by WMI query?

I know how to get total physical memory from win32_computersystem class. but that comes in bytes or kb. I …

windows wmi wmic wql
WMIC product where "name like..." - "no instances available" if run in batch file

I want to find what version of Outlook is running on specific workstations. If I manually run wmic /node:"hostname" …

Find the version of a installed program from batch file

We have a batch file that installs several programs as part of the developers setup. This is ran periodically when …

batch-file wmic
How to use wmic job get/list in CMD to get process name and location?

I need to get the exact location of a process name that a scheduled job is executing. I want to …

process location cmd jobs wmic
Get Interface name, IP and MAC in Windows Command line

I want to get a list of all the interfaces, IP and MAC address on a machine. I have quite …

windows cmd command-line wmic ipconfig
WMIC: how to use **process call create** with a specific working directory?

The task is to launch a program using wmic process call create "c:\folder\app.exe" and have app.exe …

windows batch-file wmic