WPF controls include UserControls, which are composite collections of other controls, and CustomControls, which are controls built with WPF styles and templates.
This is quite easy to do from code-behind: var button = new Button(); var margin = button.Margin; margin.Right = 10; button.Margin = …
wpf xaml mvvm wpf-controls mvvm-lightWhat is the difference between: HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch" in a textbox in WPF? Sample example: <TextBox HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" …
wpf wpf-controlsI have an control in WPF which has an unique Uid. How can I retrive the object by its Uid?
wpf object wpf-controls fetchIf you set TextWrapping to "Wrap", a WPF TextBlock can have several lines of text. Is there a "clean" way …
wpf wpf-controls textblockI want to make textbox text as Hyperlink. Suppose if the type www.google.com as tetxbox text,when i …
xaml wpf-controls wpf-4.0i am writing one app and i need to set background under entire row by items. I found some inspiration …
c# wpf treeview wpf-controls treeviewitemApparently, there are some serious keyboard and focus issues with WPF WebBrowser control. I've put together a trivial WPF app, …
wpf keyboard wpf-controls focus webbrowser-controlI am trying to animate a StackPanel when its visibility changed to grow from a width of 0 to its automatic …
.net wpf xaml wpf-controls wpf-4.0Is there a way to add tool tip to DataGridColumn header and still retain the sorting functionality. The below code …
wpf wpf-controls wpfdatagrid datagridcolumnI'm going to answer my own question here because I spent a few hours piecing this together and wanted to …
wpf mfc wpf-controls