Top "Wpf-4.0" questions

Version 4.0 of the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

WPF DotNET Application will run in debug mode, but .EXE will not run

I wrote a WPF application in C# using VS 2010. The application will run fine in debug mode using Visual Studio, …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 wpf-4.0 .net-4.0
How to grow/shrink a TextBlock (Font Size) to the available space in WPF?

I've seen this question asked a lot, however, to the opposite of what I'm looking for. While other people want …

c# wpf font-size textblock wpf-4.0
Animating a TextBox.Foreground in WPF

Is there anyway to animate a TextBox.ForegroundProperty? <Color x:Key="NormalColor">#FF666666</Color> <SolidColorBrush …

wpf animation textbox storyboard wpf-4.0
Binding to a double with StringFormat on a TextBox

I am using WPF's TextBox with a binding on the Text property to a double on my ViewModel. My XAML …

c# .net wpf .net-4.0 wpf-4.0
Why can't I style a control with the Aero theme applied in WPF 4.0?

I recently converted a project from WPF 3.5 to WPF 4.0. Functionally, everything works, but the DataGrid style I was applying on …

.net wpf xaml .net-4.0 wpf-4.0
WPF dataGrid super Header for multiple columns

I want to do Header for multiple columns in WPF DataGrid. I tried with Header template but it will display …

wpf wpf-controls wpfdatagrid wpf-4.0
0x88980406 SyncFlush() ...Is there a workaround?

I get this exception in my application. I have found links discussing it on the web but nothing indicating how …

wpf crash wpf-4.0
[WPF]How to draw a grid on canvas?

How to draw the following chart as a background on custom canvas inherited from Canvas - system ui element? Thanks …

c# .net wpf wpf-controls wpf-4.0
"No target found for method" thrown by Caliburn Message.Attach()

I have a list box for which I am styling ItemContainer to include a context menu. Here is the xaml …

c# wpf caliburn.micro wpf-4.0
how to make Textbox text as Hyperlink in WPF

I want to make textbox text as Hyperlink. Suppose if the type as tetxbox text,when i …

xaml wpf-controls wpf-4.0