Top "Wpf-4.0" questions

Version 4.0 of the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

Provide value on 'System.Windows.Data.Binding' threw an exception

I am adding a validation rule to a textbox (following examples on WPF 4 Unleashed by Adam Nathan) When starting an …

wpf exception data-binding wpf-4.0
WPF animating a StackPanel's width from 0 to Auto?

I am trying to animate a StackPanel when its visibility changed to grow from a width of 0 to its automatic …

.net wpf xaml wpf-controls wpf-4.0
Filter WPF DataGrid values from TextBox in Column Header

I followed the advice in the following link (filter wpf datagrid values from a textbox) to create Figure A. Which …

c# data-binding datagrid wpfdatagrid wpf-4.0
BackgroundWorker or (Dispatcher)operation already completed when doing ReportProgress

I use DispatcherTimer because I need to do an operation every couple of minutes. Inside this I call a BackgroundWorker …

c# mvvm backgroundworker wpf-4.0 dispatchertimer
Overriding button background in WPF on Aero

So, the desire is simple, change a button's background to LightGreen, Green when the mouse cursor hovers over it and …

c# wpf c#-4.0 wpf-controls wpf-4.0
The difference between GotFocus and GotKeyboardFocus

What is the difference(s) between GotFocus and GotKeyboardFocus -and similarly LostFocus and LostKeyboardFocus? Sorry for the simple question, but, …

c# wpf c#-4.0 wpf-controls wpf-4.0
Why do I have have to use UIElement.UpdateLayout?

We have a rather large WPF business application and I am working on a retool of an existing WPF FixedPage/…

c# wpf visual-studio wpf-controls wpf-4.0
Can You build a DockPanel like Visual Studio in WPF

In Visual Studio, we can add various panels like SolutionExplorer Panel, Properties Panel,etc. Also we can minimize these panels …

wpf visual-studio minimize wpf-4.0 dockpanel
Combobox background not being applied in windows 8

I am a little confused with wpf themes. I would like to have the wpf screens look the same on …

wpf themes wpf-4.0