Top "Word-wrap" questions

In text display, line wrap is the feature of continuing on a new line when a line is full, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be read from top to bottom without any horizontal scrolling.

Keep Text From Wrapping in Bootstrap 3 Responsive Design

I have a viewer with a control bar consisting of divs in a row. The other items have the FA …

css twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 font-awesome word-wrap
How to configure ckeditor to not wrap content in <p> block?

I am using ckeditor on my website to make it easier for users to input HTML. However, the data I …

ckeditor word-wrap
How to wrap printf() into a function or macro?

This sounds a little like an interview question,but is actually a practical problem. I am working with an embedded …

c logging c99 word-wrap
How to show vertical line to wrap the line in Vim?

I'm interested in finding a way to show a vertical line at column 80 in Vim (not GVim). I've used set …

vim word-wrap
Remove characters before and including _ in python 2.7

The following code returns into a nice readable output. def add_line_remove_special(ta_from,endstatus,*args,**kwargs): try: …

python string python-2.7 split word-wrap
How can I force a `span` to not wrap at the end of a line?

If it's a really long line of text, I want it to extend without wrapping

css word-wrap
How can I make Firefox word-break with CSS?

This is my code so far: <div style="width:100px;height:100px;background:red"> ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss </div> …

css firefox word-wrap
Sublime Text 2 wrapping selection in tag

In ST2, highlighting some text and pressing alt + shift + w (on Windows) will wrap the current selection in <p&…

tags keyboard-shortcuts sublimetext2 word-wrap
Stop word-wrap dividing words

body { word-wrap: break-word;} I've been using that code (above) to fit the text in the body into it's container. However …

css uiwebview word-wrap
Input Field, wrap text instead of extending horizontally

I have an input field, a user will write text inside but when the text is to long it just …

html css input text word-wrap