Top "Wmi" questions

Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is an API for managing the Windows operating system on local or remote computers.

How to access wmi in python?

So I am trying to access the data from here in Python. As you can see, it uses wmi. I …

python windows wmi openhardwaremonitor
Win32 code to get EDID in Windows XP/7

I found this page and was unable to get any useful information out of it (it searches the registry for …

windows winapi wmi monitor edid
How can I get a list Local Windows Users (Only the Users that appear in the windows Logon Screen)

How can I get a list of Local Windows Users (Only the Users that appear in the windows Logon Screen) …

c# wmi user-accounts userprincipal
querying registry using wmi query in windows

I need to get installed software in as shows in Uninstall Program in control panel. So i used Win32_RegistryAction …

wmi registrykey
C# Get RDC/RDP and "Console" Session information

I'm trying to retrieve some RDC/RDP and "Console" login information programmatically via C#. I want to develop a simple …

c# wmi taskmanager
Detecting anti-virus on Windows with WMI - which namespace?

I am coding a antivirus detection code and the WMI namespace differs in some cases as Win7 supports "\root\SecurityCenter2" …

windows wmi antivirus antivirus-integration
how to run a powershell script as a windows service from inside a Java program?

I have the following code that runs a windows service from inside Java.The code uses JInterop Java library, JInterop …

java powershell wmi wmi-service j-interop
WMI query - CPU LoadPercentage

I´m searching for a better way to get the CPU load in percent with WMI from multiple systems(means …

wmi wmi-query
How to eject CD using WMI and Python?

Using Windows' WMI library, how can I eject CD rom mounted in a specific CD/DVD drive? I am asking …

python winapi wmi cd-rom
How can I look up IIS site id in C#?

I am writing an installer class for my web service. In many cases when I use WMI (e.g. when …

c# .net iis installation wmi