Top "Wix" questions

The WiX Toolset (formerly known as Windows Installer XML) is a toolset that builds Windows installation packages and WiX bootstrappers from XML source code.

WiX Includes vs Fragments

What's the difference between a WiX include (.wxi file) and a WiX fragment (.wxs file)? What are the use cases …

wix wix3
"SystemFolder" in WIX and C#

An installer I have created with WiX installs a DLL using the SystemFolder variable, as well as a C# app …

c# path installation wix system32
WIX 3.6 Installer - Visual Studio 2010 (HeatDirectory)

I'm working on a WIX 3.6 Installer for a web service. But I've run into an issue when attempting to use …

visual-studio-2010 wix windows-installer wix3.6 heat
Reference directory install path in registry value using Wix

I want to save the path of my application, installed with wix, in the windows registry. I tried the following: &…

reference wix directory registry
How to include fragments in Wix?

I have created a wixlib to share fragments in some wix projects. I can reference fragments which have Property in …

wix wix3.5
wix specify licence shows nothing

I'm trying to specify the licence for my wix setup project. I have created a rtf with a few dummy …

wix installation rtf wix3.5
How to call custom action after files copied in wix

I want perform custom action after files are copy in destination folder. In custom action i run copied script file …

wix custom-action
Inserting Custom Action between Dialogs (InstallUISequence) in WiX

I have two custom dialog boxes (plus the required ones ExitDlg, FatalErrorDlg, etc.), the first one sets a property using …

wix installation windows-installer custom-action
Unable to run Wix Custom Action in MSI

I'm trying to create a custom action for my Wix install, and it's just not working, and I'm unsure why. …

wix windows-installer custom-action
Call command line after installation in Wix

I am using wix and want to call command line after installation. How can I do this? My command line …

wix wix3.5