Top "System32" questions

System32 is a folder, in the directory represented by the environment variable %windir%, that contains shared libraries and some applications (Control Panel, Command Prompt, etc.

What is the reason for the error message "System cannot find the path specified"?

I have folder run in folder system32. When I run cmd from within Total Commander opening a command prompt window …

cmd directory system32
Why do 64-bit DLLs go to System32 and 32-bit DLLs to SysWoW64 on 64-bit Windows?

I would like to know when do we need to place a file under C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\…

dll 32bit-64bit system32 syswow64
'ping' is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file error

When I do ping I get the error message 'ping' is not recognized as an internal or …

windows batch-file command-prompt ping system32
C# Missing MSVCR100.dll

I'm developing an app that execute another app and I received this error: the program can't start because MSVCR100.dll …

c# windows dll system32 msvcr100.dll
missing javaws.exe from system32 after update to Java 7 Update 9

There seems to be a bug when updating Java to Java 7 Update 9 through GUI in Control Panel. I need to …

java java-web-start updates missing-data system32
"This application could not be started." Only when the file is in system32 directory

I wrote a little piece of software that downloads file from internet, that is, nothing more. My intentions are to …

c# system32
Windows 7 Environment Variable for System32 or SysWOW64

Is there an environment variable to directly access System32 or SysWOW64 folder, respectively, in Windows 7 32bit or 64bit? I know …

c# environment-variables flash windows-7-x64 system32
"SystemFolder" in WIX and C#

An installer I have created with WiX installs a DLL using the SystemFolder variable, as well as a C# app …

c# path installation wix system32
LoadLibraryW() failing to load DLL in System32

I'm trying to load a DLL that was installed with a printer driver in the C:\Windows\System32\ folder with …

c++ dll loadlibrary system32
Getting System32 folder location with java

On XP and above, my System32 folder is at C:\WINDOWS\system32. On Windows 2000 it is at C:\WINNT\system32. …

java system32