Top "Winscp-net" questions

The WinSCP .NET assembly (winscpnet.

PowerShell runtime exception - "could not load file or assembly"

This seems to be a common problem in PowerShell and Visual Studio, yet cases and solutions seem to vary a …

exception powershell winscp winscp-net
WinSCP .NET library: Connect to SFTP server without specifying SSH host key fingerprint

In the current stable release of WinSCP, it seems that using SshHostKeyFingerprint is mandatory and there are no ways to …

ssh sftp public-key winscp winscp-net
WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Copying files to remote side failed. Could not change to "/ftp:/"; 'ftp:' not found

enter code hereI am having an issue putting my file on a remote FTP server. I am using WinSCP .NET …

c# ftp winscp winscp-net
SSH host key fingerprint does not match pattern C# WinSCP

I am trying to connect to an FTPS server using C# via WinSCP and I am getting this error: SSH …

c# ftp winscp ftps winscp-net
WinSCP: How to make sure SFTP upload gets renamed from .zip.filepart to .zip?

Using the .NET assembly of WinSCP to upload a file. OperationResultBase.Check() is throwing the following error: WinSCP.SessionRemoteException: Transfer …

c# sftp scp winscp winscp-net
Powershell: Unable to find type when using PS 5 classes

I'm using classes in PS with WinSCP Powershell Assembly. In one of the methods I'm using various types from WinSCP. …

powershell winscp-net add-type
Suppress the use of host key in SFTP or SCP using WinSCP

I am working on an application in which I am downloading files using WinSCP .NET assembly (version My code to …

c# sftp public-key winscp winscp-net