Powershell: Unable to find type when using PS 5 classes

dbso picture dbso · Mar 16, 2017 · Viewed 9.5k times · Source

I'm using classes in PS with WinSCP Powershell Assembly. In one of the methods I'm using various types from WinSCP.

This works fine as long as I already have the assembly added - however, because of the way Powershell reads the script when using classes (I assume?), an error is thrown before the assembly could be loaded.

In fact, even if I put a Write-Host at the top, it will not load.

Is there any way of forcing something to run before the rest of the file is parsed?

Transfer() {
    $this.Logger = [Logger]::new()
    try {

        Add-Type -Path $this.Paths.WinSCP            
        $ConnectionType = $this.FtpSettings.Protocol.ToString()
        $SessionOptions = New-Object WinSCP.SessionOptions -Property @{
            Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::$ConnectionType
            HostName = $this.FtpSettings.Server
            UserName = $this.FtpSettings.Username
            Password = $this.FtpSettings.Password

Results in an error like this:

Protocol = [WinSCP.Protocol]::$ConnectionType
Unable to find type [WinSCP.Protocol].


mklement0 picture mklement0 · Mar 16, 2017

As you've discovered, PowerShell refuses to run scripts that contains class definitions that reference then-unavailable (not-yet-loaded) types - the script parsing stage fails.

The proper solution is to create a script module (*.psm1) whose associated manifest (*.psd1) declares the assembly containing the referenced types a prerequisite, via the RequiredAssemblies key.

See alternative solution at the bottom if using modules is not an option.

Here's a simplified walk-through:

Create test module tm as follows:

  • Create module folder ./tm and manifest (*.psd1) in it:

    # Create module folder
    mkdir ./tm
    # Create manifest file that declares the WinSCP assembly a prerequisite.
    # Modify the path to the assembly as needed; you may specify a relative path, but
    # note that the path must not contain variable references (e.g., $HOME).
    New-ModuleManifest ./tm/tm.psd1 -RootModule tm.psm1 `
      -RequiredAssemblies C:\path\to\WinSCPnet.dll
  • Create the script module file (*.psm1) in the module folder:

    Create file ./tm/tm.psm1 with your class definition; e.g.:

    class Foo {
      # Simply return the full name of the WinSCP type.
      [string] Bar() {
        return [WinSCP.Protocol].FullName

    Note: In the real world, modules are usually placed in one of the standard locations defined in $env:PSMODULEPATH, so that the module can be referenced by name only, without needing to specify a (relative) path.

Use the module:

PS> using module ./tm; (New-Object Foo).Bar()

The using module statement imports the module and - unlike Import-Module - also makes the class defined in the module available to the current session.

Since importing the module implicitly loaded the WinSCP assembly thanks to the RequiredAssemblies key in the module manifest, instantiating class Foo, which references the assembly's types, succeeded.

If your use case doesn't allow the use of modules, you can use Invoke-Expression in a pinch, but note that it's generally better to avoid Invoke-Expression in the interest of robustness and so as to avoid security risks[1] .

# Adjust this path as needed.
Add-Type -LiteralPath C:\path\to\WinSCPnet.dll

# By placing the class definition in a string that is invoked at *runtime*
# via Invoke-Expression, *after* the WinSCP assembly has been loaded, the
# class definition succeeds.
Invoke-Expression @'
class Foo {
  # Simply return the full name of the WinSCP type.
  [string] Bar() {
    return [WinSCP.Protocol].FullName

(New-Object Foo).Bar()

[1] It's not a concern in this case, but generally, given that Invoke-Expression can invoke any command stored in a string, applying it to strings not fully under your control can result in the execution of malicious commands. This caveat applies to other language analogously, such as to Bash's built-in eval command.