I have some Excel VBA code that requires knowing the Downloads folder path. How could I do it?
Since you can move around the Downloads folder (and also Documents and most of those folders, via the folder properties), the environmental variables like %USERPROFILE%
are useless to construct a path like %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
, and WScript.Shell.SpecialFolders
doesn't list the Downloads folder.
I guess it has to be done reading the registry, but I'm clueless about that.
This is from a comment by @assylias. As others have mentioned it will provide the wrong folder path if the user has changed the default "Downloads" location - but it's simple.
Function GetDownloadsPath() As String
GetDownloadsPath = Environ$("USERPROFILE") & "\Downloads"
End Function
The posted answer was returning "%USERPROFILE%\Downloads". I didn't know what to do with it so I created the function below. This turns it into a function and returns the actual path. Call it like this: Debug.Print GetCurrentUserDownloadsPath
or Debug.Print GetCurrentUserDownloadsPath
. Thanks to @s_a for showing how to read a registry key and finding the registry key with the folder path.
' Downloads Folder Registry Key
Private Const GUID_WIN_DOWNLOADS_FOLDER As String = "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
Private Const KEY_PATH As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\"
Public Function GetCurrentUserDownloadsPath()
Dim pathTmp As String
On Error Resume Next
pathTmp = Replace$(pathTmp, "%USERPROFILE%", Environ$("USERPROFILE"))
On Error GoTo 0
GetCurrentUserDownloadsPath = pathTmp
End Function
Private Function RegKeyRead(registryKey As String) As String
' Returns the value of a windows registry key.
Dim winScriptShell As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set winScriptShell = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ' access Windows scripting
RegKeyRead = winScriptShell.RegRead(registryKey) ' read key from registry
End Function