Top "Windows-shell" questions

The Windows Shell is the main graphical user interface in Windows hosted by Windows Explorer.

What command makes a new file in terminal?

If mkdir creates a new directory, what creates a new file? for example "something.text". I tried couple of commands …

terminal command windows-shell
ShellExecute equivalent in .NET

I'm looking for the .NET-preferred way of performing the same type of thing that ShellExecute does in Win32 (opening, printing, …

c# .net winapi windows-shell shellexecute
how to get file properties?

I want an application which displays the some file properties of a mediafile if available, like (don't know the exact …

c# taglib windows-shell windows-api-code-pack getproperties
C# get thumbnail from file via windows api

Windows explorer has the ability to show thumbnails of files. These thumbnails are provided by core and third-party shell extensions. …

c# windows-shell
How do I write a batch file which opens the GitBash shell and runs a command in the shell?

I'm on Windows 7 trying to use a batch file to open the GitBash shell and make a git call. This …

git shell msysgit windows-shell
Windows [cmd.exe] command to display a messagebox with timeout?

Note: This is a question-with-answer in order to document a technique that others might find useful, and in order to …

windows cmd command messagebox windows-shell
How to pass directory path that have space to windows shell?

I am using IEcapt.exe to capture website snapshot. The problem is, it cannot handle path directory that have space. …

windows windows-shell
"Bring to front" for Windows XP command shell

Is there a command I can put into a Windows XP .bat file to bring the command shell to the …

windows batch-file windows-shell
How To Execute Windows Shell Commands (Cmd.exe) with Node JS

I would like to C:\>ACommandThatGetsData > save.txt But instead of parsing and saving the data in the …

node.js cmd windows-shell
What's the difference between *.bat and *.cmd file?

Possible Duplicate: Windows batch files: .bat vs .cmd? Hi, I am learning Windows Batch programming and come across this question: …

windows shell batch-file windows-shell