Top "Windows-shell" questions

The Windows Shell is the main graphical user interface in Windows hosted by Windows Explorer.

Why/how are Registry Entries Hidden in Regedit but visible in PowerShell?

I'm working with a new property schema, and have been in the habit of checking the registry when I register …

windows powershell registry windows-shell
DLL load failed: the specified module could not be found Windows 10 shell

I'm trying to run a Python script from the Windows shell, but when I do python path\to\file\script.…

python windows-shell
How do I keep SSH connection alive on Windows 10?

I've added the OpenSSH client (Beta) feature on Windows 10 so I can call it by running ssh on the command …

windows-10 openssh windows-shell
Windows 7: Prevent application from losing focus

I have a self-made fullscreen application for Windows 7 written in C++ which should run for a long time on its …

windows-7 focus windows-shell
How do I programmatically add a folder to the user's Favorites (in Windows Explorer)?

I am looking for a way to programmatically add a folder to the Favorites in Windows Explorer. Its Windows Explorer …

c# windows-7 windows-shell favorites
ShellExecute permission denied in windows

Can someone tell me why permission is denied to run a shell command in windows and how to resolve? function …

javascript windows-shell activexobject
reference a windows shell interface using .net 4.0

I am using the following code to reference a shell dll Type t = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Shell.Application"); Shell s = (Shell)…

c# c#-4.0 windows-shell
taskkill to differentiate 2 images by path

How to kill a process by name and orginiated from a particular path using taskkill? taskkill /F /IM certainly it …

windows windows-shell
write file using

How can I write text files using WScript I'm really new on this that's why I cannot give some details. …

javascript scripting windows-shell jscript
CommonAppData in vbscript

A customer's application "AppName" has its configuration files stored in CommonAppData. Under Windows XP that is C:\Documents and Settings\…

windows winapi vbscript windows-shell special-folders