Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) was released to manufacturing on April 21, 2008, and to the public via both the Microsoft Download Center and Windows Update on May 6, 2008.
Is there a command line syntax in which returns the Image Path / Location of the *.exe on the task manager? …
command-line taskmanager windows-xp-sp3I'm having problems getting WAMPSERVER to run. Let's start with what I do know: 1) I have 32bit windows xp running …
windows-xp wampserver windows-xp-sp3My WPF application works fine on Windows 7, but throws the above error when running on Windows XP. I am using …
c# wpf entity-framework windows-xp-sp3In order to deploy C++ application built with VS2013 compiler under Windows XP, the "v120_xp" platform toolset has to …
visual-c++ visual-studio-2013 windows-xp-sp3I'm trying simulate a key down and key up action. For example: 2638 millseconds. SendMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, keyCode, 0); Sleep(2638); SendMessage(…
c winapi sleep windows-xp-sp3I have an application I have been working on and it can be slow to start when my ISP is … dns windows-xp-sp3I here have a code working perfect in Windows 7 i took help from this post.... The problem comes when that …
c# wpf windows-7-x64 windows-xp-sp3 windows-firewall-apiI have downloaded strawberry PERL and writing one application with CGI Perl Apache on Winxp sp3). One of the libraries (…
perl perl-module cgi-bin windows-xp-sp3 xml-libxmlIn my VB6 application I make several calls to a COM server my team created from a Ada project (using …
com vb6 windows-xp ada windows-xp-sp3