Top "Xml-libxml" questions

For the Perl XML parsing module.

How do I install XML::LibXML for ActivePerl?

I am new to Perl and I am using ActivePerl. I am getting the following error: Can't locate XML/LibXML.…

perl activeperl xml-libxml
Perl XML::LibXML $node->findnodes($xpath) finds nodes it shouldn't

Here's some code I am having problems with, I process some XML and in a method in an OO class …

xml perl xpath xml-libxml
Can't locate XML/

I installed Strawberry Perl on my windows XP operating system. Later I tried to execute the .XML file but it's …

xml perl activeperl xml-libxml
How can I access attributes and elements from XML::LibXML in Perl?

I am having trouble understanding / using name spaces with XML::LibXML package in Perl. I can access an element successfully …

perl xpath namespaces libxml2 xml-libxml
XML::LibXML replace element value

I want to replace a "VAL1" value of an element in xml file For some reason it does not work …

perl xml-libxml