Top "Windows-server-2008-x64" questions

for questions specifically about the x64 version of Windows Server 2008.

Windows 2008 server task scheduler does not run .bat batch job

I have a batch file on a Windows 2008 server that, when invoked from command line works fine. However, when I …

batch-file windows-server-2008 scheduled-tasks windows-server-2008-x64
Generate visual (waveform) from MP3/WAV file in Windows 2008 Server?

Is there (somewhere) a command-line program for Windows which will create PNG/JPEG visual from MP3/WAV? EDIT: This is …

command-line mp3 visualization wav windows-server-2008-x64
In Windows Server 2008 : Powershell can't import-module ActiveDirectory

I am using Windows Server 2008 with a x64 machine and Powershell 3.0. After searching for similar problems, I found that I …

windows powershell import active-directory windows-server-2008-x64
How to find the global catalog of my network in ADDC?

I'm learning IT right now, and I have this situation. The employee who was the administrator, got out of the …

windows-server-2008 windows-server-2008-r2 windows-server-2008-x64
Signed driver when started gives, error 577

When I start the driver I have written on Windows Server 2008 x64, it gives Error 577. Windows XP 32-bit works fine, …

windows driver windows-server-2008-x64
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for Window Server 2008 R2

Where can I find the stand-alone or .iso file of .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 for Window Server 2008 R2 64bit?

windows-server-2008-r2 .net-3.5 windows-server-2008-x64
Asian language PDF display issue in Crystal Reports for VS2008

Here is the context: we use Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2008 in a ASP.Net application to generate reports which …

unicode crystal-reports windows-server-2008-x64