Top "Windows-server-2003" questions

Windows Server 2003 (sometimes referred to as Win2K3) is a server operating system produced by Microsoft, introduced on 24 April 2003.

IIS log files and load balancer?

We host our ASP.NET applications on two web servers (Server 2003, IIS 6) that reside behind a hardware load balancer. When …

windows logging iis-6 windows-server-2003
Running a Windows Scheduled Task from

I have a Windows scheduled task that runs a database import process every hour, but I'd like users to be …

c# iis scheduled-tasks windows-server-2003
Migrate IIS Applications from Windows Server 2003 to 2012

I have a Windows Server 2003 SP2 that is running IIS 6 with several web sites and Web applications and I need …

iis-7.5 iis-6 windows-server-2003 windows-server-2012 server-migration
How to remove index.php in codeigniter on Windows Server and IIS?

How to remove index.php in codeigniter on Windows Server and IIS? I found this when i search for answer …

codeigniter iis windows-server-2003
Disable debug prompt on application crash

Question: I need to disable the console application's crash debug prompt. Background: We've got an application that syncs info with …

registry windows-server-2003
Automate services restart in windows server 2003

I have a Jboss service in Windows server 2003. Is there a way to schedule the service to restart automatically on …

windows-services jboss windows-server-2003 scheduled-tasks
Scheduled Tasks Fail to Run

I have a couple of scheduled tasks that run VBS script. It used to be set to "Run as" the …

security scheduled-tasks windows-server-2003
Sed creates un-deleteable files in Windows

I'm trying to run the following command in Windows Server 2003 but sed creates a pile of files that I can't …

sed windows-server-2003
Install ASP.NET 4.0 alongside ASP.NET 2.0 on IIS6

I've read where you create a new application pool, one for 2.0 sites and one for 4.0 sites. But there is no … iis-6 windows-server-2003
Why does my c# Windows service stop running without any messages being written to the application event log?

I am fairly new to Windows services. I created an installer for my c# Windows service and the installation on …

c# .net .net-4.0 windows-services windows-server-2003