Top "Windows-server-2003" questions

Windows Server 2003 (sometimes referred to as Win2K3) is a server operating system produced by Microsoft, introduced on 24 April 2003.

Exporting ODBC System DSNs from a windows 2003 machine?

Is there a way to export all the ODBC System DSNs from a windows 2003 machine?

odbc export windows-server-2003
How to restart program automatically if it crashes in Windows?

How can I start my program automatically if it crashes on windows 2003 server? Sometimes my program just crashes, is there …

windows windows-server-2003
ASP.Net - It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level

Getting this error on an intranet application we have running in our development environment, and I'm not sure where to … iis iis-6 windows-server-2003
JVM returns error 143

A Java application running as an scheduled task on Windows 2003 crashed with no logs or anything that would help to …

java windows-server-2003 scheduled-tasks
Tomcat 6.0.18 service will not start on a windows server

I installed Tomcat 6.0.18 on a windows server 2003 box and it will not start as a service. I'm running it with …

java tomcat windows-server-2003
How do you tell IIS 6 to set the .NET version to 2.0 (not 1.1) When New sites are created?

We create new sites in IIS 6 (Windows Server 2003) using IIS Manager. When these sites are created in IIS 6, the ASP.… iis-6 windows-server-2003
How to Install "Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC)" on Windows Server 2003 R2?

I recently installed "32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio" on my computer (Windows 7, 64…

.net oracle11g windows-server-2003 oracleclient odac
Application Pools not starting after iisreset

Before I start, I know using iisreset is considered bad practice, but this shouldn't happen anyway.. What we have: Several … wcf iis windows-server-2003
How can you get a .NET 4.5 website to run on IIS6?

I've got an old Windows 2003 server running IIS 6, and I chose .net 4.5 for my latest web app. Problem is I …

iis-6 windows-server-2003 .net-4.5