Top "Windows-phone-7" questions

Windows Phone is Microsoft's, now deprecated, mobile operating system and software development platform.

Visual Studio 2010 Express. Write to the output window

I'm new to Visual Studio and Windows Phone 7 developping. I did activate the redirect all output text option, but neith …

visual-studio-2010 windows-phone-7
Checking if a DateTime is before DateTime.Now

How can I check using some form of if statement if a certain DateTime, (say in this case called dateAndTime1) …

c# windows-phone-7 datetime if-statement windows-phone-8
WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations

How can I get this error from with in the DownloadStringCompleted Event? Doesn't that mean, it's finished? Is there another …

c# silverlight windows-phone-7
Windows Phone development in Visual Studio 2012 RC

Today Microsoft released Windows 8 Release Preview and visual studio 2012 rc. I'm a Windows phone developer. What dev tool I have …

windows-phone-7 windows-8 visual-studio-2012
Determining the Enter key is pressed in a TextBox

Consider a XAML TextBox in Win Phone 7. <TextBox x:Name="UserNumber" /> The goal here is that when the …

silverlight xaml windows-phone-7
XML parsing : Reading CDATA

<item><title>this is title</title><guid isPermaLink="true">http://www.i.…

c# windows-phone-7 rss xml-parsing cdata
Close a WP7 application programmatically?

Possible Duplicate: Windows Phone 7 close application How do I programmatically close a WP7 application?

windows-phone-7 exit shutdown
WP7: Pass parameter to new page?

In a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight application I call a new page using NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/View/SecondPage.xaml", UriKind.…

windows-phone-7 parameter-passing
How to load any XAP file with the Windows Phone 7 emulator

Does anyone know if it is possible to load a windows phone 7 XAP file into the emulator without the solution …

windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8 windows-8 windows-phone-8-emulator windows-phone-7-emulator
How to access a specific item in a Listbox with DataTemplate?

I have a ListBox including an ItemTemplate with 2 StackPanels. There is a TextBox in the second StackPanel i want to …

c# xaml windows-phone-7 silverlight-4.0