Top "Windows-phone-7" questions

Windows Phone is Microsoft's, now deprecated, mobile operating system and software development platform.

How to use ListView in Universal Windows Platform (Windows 10 app)

Can anyone please explain ItemTemplate.DataTemplate and ListView. In this code snippet. I really don't understand the concept of Templates, …

listview templates windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8 uwp
Need Hashtable and Arraylist

I am trying to use someone else's C# classes in my Windows 7 Phone app. The classes use objects of type …

c# visual-studio dll windows-phone-7 assembly-references
HttpWebRequest and Set-Cookie header in response not parsed (WP7)

I am trying to get the header "Set-Cookie" or access the cookie container, but the Set-Cookie header is not available. …

c# windows-phone-7 cookies httpwebrequest httpwebresponse
How can I securely embed a static string (key) in C#?

I'm looking for a way to securely store an API key in a WP7 application. The key is a string …

c# .net string windows-phone-7 c#-4.0
Animate Margin / Thickness

I just thought I already know how WPF and XAML Syntax works.... wrooong. I got the message: 'WithEvents' variables can …

wpf windows-phone-7 code-behind storyboard thickness
How to get current page in my WP7 app

Is there a way to get the active instance of the current page in my Windows Phone 7 app? I have …

silverlight windows-phone-7
Stack Panel Or Grid which one is most advisable

I heard that UI Design with Stack panel is more promotable that Grids. Is there any fact present in that. …

.net silverlight windows-phone-7 stackpanel
Writing formatted XML with XmlWriter

I'm trying to write to an XML file to the isolated storage but I would like to format it like …

c# xml windows-phone-7 xmlwriter xml-formatting
how accurate is the altitude measurement in mobile phones

How accurate is the altitude measurement from a mobile phone's GPS? I've gathered that the lat/long can vary by …

iphone android windows-phone-7 gps mobile-phones