Top "Windows-phone-7" questions

Windows Phone is Microsoft's, now deprecated, mobile operating system and software development platform.

How to post data using HttpClient?

I have got this HttpClient from Nuget. When I want to get data I do it this way: var response = …

c# windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8 windows-phone dotnet-httpclient
Deserializing JSON array into strongly typed .NET object

When I can call the 3rd party api and get back a single class worth of data everything deserialises fine …

c# windows-phone-7 hammock
Convert List<T> to ObservableCollection<T> in WP7

I don't know if it's just too late or what, but I don't see how to do this... What I'm …

c# .net windows-phone-7 collections
Parsing HTML with

I'm trying to parse the following HTML file, I'd like the get the value of key. This is being done …

c# html windows-phone-7
The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context. Cannot get any help on net searches

Hi I am getting an error of InitializeComponent in my app.xaml.cs page I have checked the net and …

c# .net windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8
Return Task<bool> instantly

I have a list of tasks, which i'd like to wait for. I'm waiting like await TaskEx.WhenAll(MyViewModel.GetListOfTasks().…

c# multithreading windows-phone-7 task-parallel-library
What are the RGB values of the default accent colors in Windows Phone 7?

I am making icons for some Win Phone 7 apps and want to use some solid colors the way all the …

windows-phone-7 colors highlight
How should I implement ExecuteAsync with RestSharp on Windows Phone 7?

I'm attempting to use the documentation on the RestSharp GitHub wiki to implement calls to my REST API service but …

c# api windows-phone-7 rest restsharp
Image from URL to stream

I'm getting images from a url: BitmapImage image = new BitmapImage(new Uri(article.ImageURL)); NLBI.Thumbnail.Source = image; This works …

c# silverlight windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8
How to convert System.IO.Stream into an Image?

How can I convert a Stream of an image (which I retrieved using the Album.GetArt method from the MediaLibrary) …

c# image windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8 stream