The Windows kernel (also called NT kernel) provides services for user-mode applications and has a modular architecture that allows loading kerner drivers (either real hardware device drivers or virtual drivers).
I'm trying to get a deeper understanding of how IIS works. http.sys i understand is one its major components. …
http iis tcp windows-kernel http.sysI am an application developer mostly work in C#. I have some knowledge of C/C++. I am very much …
kernel windows-kernelI have a problem with symbol files. I experimented with the symbol file path and set the path as follows: …
windows windbg windows-kernelI am studying windows device drivers on my own and I find it's very difficult to differentiate between PDO and …
windows windows-kernelI used to debug the Windows Kernel using VirtualKD, WinDBG and a single Virtual Machine. Recently I got a Linux …
windbg virtual-machine windows-kernelI have been doing research into Windows internals, and have just recently learned about system calls and I am wondering …
c++ c windows system-calls windows-kernel