Previously known as 'Windows CE', Microsoft changed the naming of the operating system starting with version 7.0.
Back when I only had one table in my .sdf file, this code worked fine: const string sdfPath = @"\Program Files\…
c# sql-server-ce compact-framework windows-ce windows-embedded-compactI am developing a web based inventory solution for a client and there will be handheld mobile computers involved. I've …
windows-mobile windows-embedded windows-embedded-compactI have been building a .net application in c# for Windows CE. I had originally created it for a Motorola …
motorola .net-cf-3.5 windows-embedded-compactToday I stumbled over the Application Builder for CE 2013 in Microsoft's download center. As of the description, with this pack …
visual-studio-2012 compact-framework windows-ce windows-embedded-compactMy company is thinking of switching to these handheld units:…
c# visual-studio visual-studio-2012 compact-framework windows-embedded-compactI am trying to debug a c# application on a Motorola WT41N0 which runs Windows Compact Embedded 7 from Visual …
visual-studio-2008 windows-embedded-compactI copied over some code from a test app: const string sdfPath = @"C:\WebAPIClient\WebAPIClient\bin\Debug\DBPlatypusCompactDB.sdf"; string …
c# sql-server-ce windows-ce filepath windows-embedded-compact