Top "Windows-console" questions

Windows character mode applications using the functions provided by the console I/O functions.

How can I get the mouse position in a console program?

How can I get the mouse click position in C++ in a Windows console program? (A variable that returns the …

c++ mouse windows-console
Why does termcolor output control characters instead of colored text in the Windows console?

I just installed termcolor for Python 2.7 on Windows. When I try to print colored text, I get the color codes …

python windows windows-console termcolor
How to hide console cursor in c?

I have a simple C program that represents a loading screen within the console but I can't get the cursor …

c cursor windows-console
Application.exe is not a valid Win32 application error

I have written a Console application that client is trying to run it on their Windows Server 2003 R2 machine machine …

c# visual-studio-2012 windows-console
Python script doesn't print output in command prompt

I need some advice with a Python script. I'm still new and learned it by myself. I found the script …

python windows-console
How to send POST request with json body via curl from windows batch script

I'm writing batch script which should send request with json. call curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"…

batch-file curl cmd git-bash windows-console
How to execute Windows CLI commands in Ruby?

I have a file located in the directory "C:\Documents and Settings\test.exe" but when I write the command `…

ruby command-line windows-console backticks
Colored text output in PowerShell console using ANSI / VT100 codes

I wrote a program which prints a string, which contains ANSI escape sequences to make the text colored. But it …

powershell ansi windows-console vt100
'GetConsoleWindow' was not declared in this scope?

#include<windows.h> have already added, so why the GCC-mingw32 Compiler reported that 'GetConsoleWindow' was not declared in …

c++ windows winapi windows-console
How do I set an environment variable to a value with spaces in a batch file?

I don't know how to describe exactly what I'm trying to do but here's an example batch file that demonstrates …

batch-file cmd windows-console