Top "Windows-console" questions

Windows character mode applications using the functions provided by the console I/O functions.

Color console output with C++ in Windows

Is there a way to output colored text to the console? I am using Visual Studio 2010, and only need the …

c++ visual-studio-2010 windows-console
How to determine whether a C/C++ compiler is installed on Windows?

I would like to determine whether there is already a compiler installed. Do you know a command on Windows which …

c++ c windows windows-console
Clear screen with Windows "cls" command in Java console application

I am working on a game that involves clearing the screen after each turn for readability. The only problem is …

java console command-line-arguments windows-console
How to start 2 programs simultaneously in windows command prompt

I am using Windows 7 64bit Here is the code snippet I am using to start @echo off call "C:\Program …

windows-7 command-line cmd command-prompt windows-console
How can I stop webpack dev server from windows console?

I run webpack-dev-server from windows console with the command: webpack-dev-server --content-base ./build --inline --hot after this I see message webpack: …

javascript webpack webpack-dev-server windows-console
python 2.7 character \u2013

I have following code: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- print u"William Burges (1827–81) was an English architect and designer." …

python python-2.7 utf-8 windows-console
Getting terminal size in c for windows?

How to check ymax and xmax in a console window, under Windows, using plain c? There is this piece of …

c console size windows-console
Multiple consoles for a single application C++

Is it possible to create two console windows (one being the main) and the secondary being a pop-up like a …

c++ windows console-application windows-console
What to do with "The input line is too long" error message?

I am trying to use os.system() to call another program that takes an input and an output file. The …

python command-line windows-console
Use "cmd /c" but hide the console window

I have a shortcut running this command when clicked: cmd /c "full path to my batch file". When I use …

cmd windows-console