How can I terminate a running process on a handheld device?

B. Clay Shannon picture B. Clay Shannon · Sep 23, 2014 · Viewed 8.7k times · Source

I am no longer able to replace the old version of my exe on my handheld device (copied over from the dev machine). When I try to do so, I get:

Cannot copy Platypus.exe 
The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected.

The device is still responding, otherwise; it is not disconnected. When I try to run Platypus.exe on it now, it just "hourglasses" forever (and a day).

I have warmbooted the device, and it makes no difference. I'm trying to avoid having to cold-boot it, if at all possible.

If I could Ctrl+Alt+Del, I reckon I cound find the rogue process and kill it. I tried Start > Run... > taskmgr, but taskmgr is not recognized.

Is there a way I can accomplish this without resorting to a cold boot?


I coldbooted, and I'm still getting the same thing (won't let me copy)...


Have my ActiveStync connection settings gone haywire? I don't know what they should be for sure, but I do what they are right now:

enter image description here


It's only certain files that refuse to be copied over. For example, I tried to copy over two .SDF files - one replaced the other one fine, but the next one gave me the err as above. I then tried to delete the file which would not be replaced, and got, "bla.SDF could not be deleted. The device has either stopped responding or has been disconnected."

Neither one of these is true. It's another "or" but neither it nor I know what the problem actually is. It does seem as if certain files are in "limbo" and need to be released - but if a cold boot won't do it, what will?


As my youngest son would say, "Okay, then!" (in a mildly mocking tone of dumbfounded disbelief).

For some reason, as quickly as my it-won't-allow-me-to-copy-over-a-new-exe-any-more OOME (Out Of Mind Experience) occurred,

now it all of a sudden is letting me again - the same old .exe finally allowed itself to be deleted, and the same new .exe I've been trying

to copy over for more than a day finally agreed to be copied over.

Why, I don't know. I did run a quick-and-dirty util I slapped together on the handheld device to search and destory instances of my .exe/.dll pair, but it didnt' find them. See the Update here for all the gory details.
