Top "Wiki" questions

A wiki is a CMS for collaborative content creation, typically with a flat content structure and heavy cross-referencing.

Most useful Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems?

I have seen many sites which provide the whole list of Rails plugins, Ruby libraries and Ruby gems, but we …

ruby-on-rails rubygems wiki ruby-on-rails-plugins
How to make a MediaWiki site multilingual

I've installed a MediaWiki site. I think default MediaWiki supports only one language which is configured during installation. Is there …

mediawiki wiki multilingual
Online Flowchart Diagram Tool (run from private wiki)

Is there some flowchart diagram tool that would (or could be made to) integrate with a self-hosted wiki? Requirements: basic …

wiki diagram flowchart
How to create a personal wiki+blog on github using org-mode?

I Love org-mode! I tried to create my personal pages using org-export-html. Org-mode can export latex-math using mathjax very well, …

github blogs wiki org-mode mathjax
Where to find "bug free" html to wiki converter

While googling for it.I've stumbled upon html2wiki that seems to do the job(will try after done posting …

wiki wikipedia
Best solution for integrated bug tracking, wiki and version control

I love the Google Project Hosting web app. It includes bug tracking, wiki and SCM in one interface. (Example: WMD …

project-management wiki version-control bug-tracking
Strong access control for Gollum?

What is the best way to add multiple role access to a Gollum wiki? I understand how to add Basic …

git wiki gollum-wiki
How can I create a table of content in GitLab wiki?

I am a big fan of the __TOC__ that creates a table of content on a Wikimedia page. Whenever you …

gitlab wiki gitlab-wiki
Wikipedia : Java library to remove wikipedia text markup removal

I downloaded wikipedia dump and now want to remove the wikipedia markup in the contents of each page. I tried …

java parsing wiki wikipedia