Top "Wifip2p" questions

Wi-Fi peer-to-peer (WiFiP2p) is an Android framework that complies with the Wi-Fi Alliance's Wi-Fi Direct™ certification program.

How to auto-accept Wi-Fi Direct connection requests in Android

I have 2 Android devices using WiFi Direct. On one device I can get information about the other device using the …

android wifi-direct wifip2p
Android Wi-Fi Direct P2P send data from server to client

I have an Android app where I'd like to send data between 2 or more devices using Android's WiFi Direct P2…

android sockets wifi-direct wifimanager wifip2p
Can I use Wi-Fi Direct and cellular data in an app?

I have two+ Android devices. I would like the devices to send instructions to the other devices using Wi-Fi Direct, …

android wifi wifi-direct connection wifip2p
Wifi P2P service discovery works intermittently

Wifi P2P service discovery is not behaving as expected. I am seeing intermittent issues where the DNSSD listeners are …

android wifi-direct service-discovery wifip2p dns-sd
Wi-Fi Direct and "normal" Wi-Fi - Different MAC?

I'm currently trying to connect two phones which know each other's MAC address via Wi-Fi Direct, and stumbled upon the …

android wifi wifi-direct wifip2p