Top "Weka" questions

Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is an open source machine learning library written in Java.

How to create an ARFF file from an array in java?

I want to get the coefficients of a weighted linear regression of an x-y pair represented by two arrays in …

java weka regression arff
What is Class Index in WEKA?

I have to use WEKA in my java code for prediction. Basically I have to study a given code and …

Weka GUI - Not enough memory, won't load?

This same installation of Weka has loaded for me in the past. I am simply trying to load the Weka …

machine-learning data-mining weka
Why does the C4.5 algorithm use pruning in order to reduce the decision tree and how does pruning affect the predicion accuracy?

I have searched on google about this issue and I can't find something that explains this algorithm in a simple …

weka decision-tree pruning
How to rank features by their importance in a Weka classifier?

I use Weka to successfully build a classifier. I would now like to evaluate how effective or important my features …

machine-learning nlp weka feature-selection text-classification
Which datamining tool to use?

Can somebody explain me the main pros and cons of the most known datamining open-source tools? Everywhere I read that …

comparison weka data-mining rapidminer
Learning Weka - Precision and Recall - Wiki example to .Arff file

I'm new to WEKA and advanced statistics, starting from scratch to understand the WEKA measures. I've done all the @rushdi-shams …

machine-learning weka precision-recall
How to test existing model with new instance in weka, using java code?

I have a .model file of one of the classifier which I got through Weka GUI. Now I would like …

java weka
How to set parameters in WEKA to balance data with SMOTE filter?

I'm using SMOTE filter in WEKA to balance data. I have doubts about the two parameters nearestNeighbors and percentage. nearestNeighbors …

data-mining weka sample-data
What is the meaning of jitter in visualize tab of weka

In weka I load an arff file. I can view the relationship between attributes using the visualize tab. However I …

java data-mining weka arff