Top "Rapidminer" questions

RapidMiner is an environment for machine learning, data mining, text mining, predictive analytics, and business analytics.

rapid miner: how to add a 'label' attribute to a dataset?

I want to apply a decision tree learning algorithm to a dataset I have imported from a CSV. The problem …

machine-learning data-mining decision-tree rapidminer
In Rapidminer once I import a data set how do I change the type of a column?

I've imported a datset into Rapidminer 5 and one of the columns that was supposed to be nominal or polynomial was …

data-mining rapidminer
Could not load definitions from resources

I have a (hopefully) very basic question. I'm very unfamiliar with Ant, I'm just trying to use a build file …

java eclipse ant rapidminer
Integration of RapidMiner in Java application

I have a text classification process in RapidMiner. It reads the test data from specified excel ssheet and does the …

java rapidminer
Which datamining tool to use?

Can somebody explain me the main pros and cons of the most known datamining open-source tools? Everywhere I read that …

comparison weka data-mining rapidminer