Top "Weka" questions

Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is an open source machine learning library written in Java.

Meaning of correctly classified instances weka

I recently started using weka and I'm trying to classify tweets into positive or negative using Naive Bayes. So I …

What is evaluation of a cluster in WEKA?

What do we mean when we say that we are evaluating the clusters in WEKA frmework? Clustering is an unsupervised …

java machine-learning data-mining weka
weka.core.UnassignedDatasetException when creating an unlabeled instance

I trained an IBK classifier with some training data that I created manually as following: ArrayList<Attribute> atts = …

java machine-learning classification weka
How to perform one operation on each executor once in spark

I have a weka model stored in S3 which is of size around 400MB. Now, I have some set of …

scala apache-spark weka partitioning
Trying to add database driver (JDBC): RmiJdbc.RJDriver - Error, not in CLASSPATH?

I am using Weka import weka.core.Instances; import weka.core.converters.ConverterUtils.DataSource; . . DataSource source; source = new DataSource("somecsvfile.…

java weka
Weka error "cannot handle numeric class" in Java code using LibSVM

I'm trying to use a classifier LibSVM-based using Weka, but i got this error: Exception in thread "main" weka.core.…

java classification weka libsvm
J48 tree in R - train and test classification

I want to use train and test in J48 decision-tree on R. here is my code: library("RWeka") data <…

r classification weka decision-tree j48
How do I use a JSON file with weka

I have a JSON file and want to open the data in weka, but when I do, I get the …

json weka
How to cluster an instance with Weka's DBSCAN?

I've been trying to use the DBSCAN clusterer from Weka to cluster instances. From what I understand I should be …

java cluster-analysis weka dbscan
Creating an ARFF file from python output

gardai-plan-crackdown-on-troublemakers-at-protest-2438316.html': {'dail': 1, 'focus': 1, 'actions': 1, 'trade': 2, 'protest': 1, 'identify': 1, 'previous': 1, 'detectives': 1, 'republican': 1, 'group': 1, 'monitor': 1, 'clashes': 1, 'civil': 1, 'charge': 1, 'breaches': 1, 'travelling': 1, 'main': 1, 'disrupt': 1, …

python file classification weka arff