Top "Wechat" questions

WeChat is a mobile text and voice messaging communication service introduced by Tencent Inc.

Upload Image using POST form data in Python-requests

I'm working with wechat APIs ... here I've to upload an image to wechat's server using this API http://admin.wechat.…

python python-3.x curl python-requests wechat
How do I link to wechat from a webpage?

Whatsapp allows you to link to a new message via <a href="whatsapp://send?text=The text to share!" …

html wechat uri-scheme
how to get mobile number using wechat api in android

how to get mobile number using wechat api in android. We can get mobile number and email-id by using Whatsapp …

android accountmanager whatsapp wechat
Where can I find a list of all WeChat emoticons?

A list of emoticons with their image, character identifier and name.

emoji emoticons wechat
SSLError: Can't connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available on google app engine

Want to use wechat sdk to create menu WeChat.create_menu({ "button":[ { "type":"click", "name":"Daily Song", "key":"V1001_TODAY_…

python google-app-engine ssl python-requests wechat
WeChat share button

I am trying to find out if it is possible to create a share button on a website that shares …

javascript php html share wechat
Is there a Web API for WeChat?

From what's evident on the WeChat Developer Site, there is a WeChat API for integrating "WeChat SDK with your iOS …

api wechat
How do you obtain a WeChat access_token certificate from

This site tries to explain the process: The problem is …

api access-token wechat
Wechat login for mobile website

Wechat has a very convenient QR-code login option (sorry, Chinese only) for desktop websites. Basically you just scan the code …

authentication web oauth qr-code wechat
WeChat sharing, how to change re-share description and thumbnail?

Question Is there a way to provide a custom title, description and thumbnail for when my website pages are shared …

javascript html wechat