Top "Accountmanager" questions

AccountManager keeps track of cloud login information on Android devices.

What should I use Android AccountManager for?

I've seen AccountManager in the Android SDK and that it is used for storing account information. Thus, I cannot find …

android accountmanager
How to call parent activity function from ASyncTask?

setAccountAuthenticatorResult can be called from the Activity, which extends AccountAuthenticatorActivity. My activity extends that, but launches ASyncTask and hence this …

android android-asynctask accountmanager
A good tutorial for using AccountManager in Android?

Does anyone know of any good tutorials for using AccountManager in android, basically what I'm trying to do is request …

java android oauth oauth-2.0 accountmanager
how to get mobile number using wechat api in android

how to get mobile number using wechat api in android. We can get mobile number and email-id by using Whatsapp …

android accountmanager whatsapp wechat
Example using Android Account Manager

I've seen AccountManager in the Android SDK and that it is used for storing account information. Thus, I cannot find …

android accountmanager
How do I retrieve the logged in Google account on android phones?

I am developing an Android application and I need to retrieve the Google account used on the phone. I want …

android accountmanager
Android Login - Account Authenticator vs Manual Authentication

I'm about to implement login along with user authentication in my app. My first idea was to do it manually, …

android authentication login accountmanager
AuthToken from AccountManager in Android Client No Longer Working

I'm pretty exasperated. I'm attempting to build a turn-based multiplayer online game for Android using Google App Engine in Java …

android google-app-engine authentication accountmanager
Android: How to get the configured email account address programmatically

I used the below code to get the configured account name Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(this).getAccounts(); for (Account account : …

android email account email-client accountmanager
How to remove account in AccountManager in Android

I am trying to remove a custom account in AccountManager. This is my code : final Handler handler = new Handler (); AccountManagerCallback&…

android accountmanager