Top "Websphere-portal" questions

IBM WebSphere Portal is a set of software tools that enables companies to build and manage web portals.

ClassCastException when casting to the same class

I have 2 different Java projects, one has 2 classes: dynamicbeans.DynamicBean2 and dynamic.Validator. On the other project, I load both …

java reflection classcastexception websphere-portal
Detecting Device Type in a web application

We have a Java based application where in we want to detect the device type(mobile or desktop) for the …

java javascript websphere-portal
Bootstrap Collapse not working properly (Hide Not working)

I am using bootstrap collapse functionality is not working properly in our IBM web portal. It working fine on “show” …

twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 websphere-portal
How to pass a java object to jsp page

I have a serveresource method which is invoked on clicking a link. The serveresource method takes the input from the …

java jsp websphere-portal
How to recover admin password in websphere portal v7?

I have forgotten the password to enter the websphere portal as admin.How to recover the password?..PLease help in …

websphere websphere-7 websphere-portal
Websphere 8.0 and Java 1.7

we're currently using Websphere which runs with Java 1.6. Unfortunately, some of the portlets we would like to integrate into the …

java websphere java-7 websphere-portal
WebSphere FFDC Count, what does it mean?

I am trying to understand what the "Count" column means in a WebSphere FFDC exception log. IBM told us we …

websphere websphere-6.1 websphere-portal
Ajax call to GenericPortlet.serveResource() in WebSphere Portal 6.1

I'm trying to call a portlet's serveResource() method using jQuery/ajax. I managed to get a simple JSR-286 portlet working …

jquery portlet websphere-portal jsr286
No longer able to run Websphere Application Server v6.0 on my IBM RAD

I'm currently using a development machine for my java development works built by my colleagues. IBM RAD setup on this …

jakarta-ee websphere websphere-portal ibm-rad