Websphere 8.0 and Java 1.7

TurnJ picture TurnJ · Mar 24, 2014 · Viewed 10k times · Source

we're currently using Websphere which runs with Java 1.6. Unfortunately, some of the portlets we would like to integrate into the portal need Java 1.7 to run.

Is there any (simple) way to use Java 1.7 under Websphere I found a lot of answers for Websphere 8.5, but especially not for 8.0. Is the use of 1.7 even possible?

Thanks a lot for your effort!



VSGill picture VSGill · Mar 24, 2014

WAS 8.0 will not support JAVA 7 (1.7).


JAVA shipped with WAS versions. http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27005002

The JAVA 7 is supported from WAS 8.5.x and is shipped as optional feature as default for 8.5.x is also JAVA 6.