Top "Websphere-6.1" questions

Use this tag for questions related to version 6.1 of IBM's WebSphere Application Server.

Websphere : Start server with Authentication failed when using LTPA. The exception is <null>

From last 2 days I am struggling with below error in my local windows7 machine, I have IBM WebSphere Application Server …

java websphere application-server websphere-6.1 ltpa
Declare a resource-ref in EJB

This is how they declare a resource-ref in ejb-jar.xml : <enterprise-beans> <session> <ejb-name>ResourceBean&…

ejb jndi websphere-6.1 ejb-jar.xml
Websphere Application Debug logging

I am trying to get my web application deployed on Websphere 6.1 to display debug level logs. Originally I was using …

java logging log4j websphere-6.1 apache-commons-logging
How to access authentication alias from EJB deployed to Websphere 6.1

I need to provide password for keystore in my EJB but I don't want it to be visible to developers. …

java security websphere jaas websphere-6.1
WebSphere FFDC Count, what does it mean?

I am trying to understand what the "Count" column means in a WebSphere FFDC exception log. IBM told us we …

websphere websphere-6.1 websphere-portal
Loading two classes in different JARs

I got two classes with the same package in different JARs. Until the previous version, both classes were identical, so …

java classpath classloader websphere-6.1
difference between Stop, Immediate Stop and Terminate in WAS6.1

What is the difference between "Stop", "Immediate Stop" and "Terminate" in case of a Websphere Application Server instance. Specifically in …

jakarta-ee websphere websphere-6.1
JSPG0122E: Unable to parse EL function in Websphere 8

I am moving a web application from Websphere 6.1 to Websphere 8, and I am encountering the following error in one of …

java jstl el websphere-6.1 websphere-8
What is the difference between these thread pools in Websphere?

In WebSphere Application Server, I see two thread pools that I can manipulate. There is one called "default", and another …

java multithreading websphere threadpool websphere-6.1
How to use javax/persistence/spi/PersistenceUnitInfo.getValidationMode() with WAS 6.1

I am using JPA 2.0 with Spring and hibernate in my project. However, the runtime is WAS 6.1. Compilation goes fine. However, …

hibernate jpa websphere jpa-2.0 websphere-6.1