Top "Webrat" questions

Webrat is an acceptance testing library for Web applications written in Ruby.

How do you POST to a URL in Capybara?

Just switched from Cucumber+Webrat to Cucumber+Capybara and I am wondering how you can POST content to a URL …

ruby-on-rails cucumber webrat capybara
How can I see what capybara found in a failing cucumber step?

I started migrating from cucumber + webrat to cucumber + capybara. Now the behavior of "I should see " seems to be somewhat …

ruby-on-rails cucumber webrat capybara
Session variables with Cucumber Stories

I am working on some Cucumber stories for a 'sign up' application which has a number of steps. Rather then …

ruby-on-rails testing rspec cucumber webrat
HTTP basic auth for Capybara

I'm writing some RSpec tests for my Rails 3 application and trying to switch from Webrat to Capybara. So far so …

ruby-on-rails testing authentication webrat capybara
How do I click on a specific button using cucumber/webrat when the name of the button starts with the same word?

I have the following html with multiple inputs: <input type="submit" value="Save and close" name="commit"/> <…

ruby-on-rails regex cucumber webrat
The have_selector fails in an RSpec test but page renders correctly and the tag is present

I'm working my way through the Rails Tutorial book by Hartl and I'm completely stuck on one of the tests. …

ruby-on-rails rspec webrat
How can I determine if a radio button is checked already?

I'm using webrat with cucumber and I would like to test if a radio button is checked already when I …

radio-button cucumber webrat checked
Setting http headers RSpec 2.4 / Rails 3

I am getting started with RSpec. I have a new rails 3 app which uses the HTTP_ACCEPT_HEADER or the …

ruby-on-rails rspec cucumber webrat
How does rspec work with Rails 3 for integration tests?

What I'm trying to ahieve is to do integration tests with webrat in rails3 like Yehuda does with test-unit in …

ruby-on-rails rspec integration-testing ruby-on-rails-3 webrat
Cucumber: find the input with label text X?

In Cucumber, I'm trying to create a step like this: Then I should see "Example business name" in the "Business …

ruby-on-rails cucumber webrat capybara