Top "Weblogic11g" questions

The 11.

Cannot access HTTPS from Weblogic

I have a problem with Weblogic accessing an HTTPS server, I can access other HTTPS urls, like google or microsoft. …

java ssl weblogic weblogic11g
Any decent weblogic tutorial?

We are migrating an application from Tomcat to WebLogic. There are many things we just don't know about. Is there …

oracle jakarta-ee weblogic11g
Weblogic errors after getting deployed (published) : Error 503--Service Unavailable

I have a small web application where I am using Spring, Hibernate and JSF2.0. I am deploying my application to …

java deployment weblogic weblogic11g http-status-code-503
weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction timed out after 32 seconds

I have following configuration OS Sparc 11 OCSG 5.1 Environment : Cluster (Admin+MS), (MS) Weblogic : 11g Problem: I have deployed existing running …

java ejb-3.0 weblogic11g
An error has occurred with the WebSphere MQ JMS connection

Getting below error with MQ(Message Queue), how to resolve this? Message : JMSWMQ1107: A …

java jms ibm-mq weblogic11g
JRE 8 compatibility with weblogic 10.3.6 (11g

Could you please help in finding out if JRE 8 would be compatible with weblogic 10.3? We have a swing based application …

java weblogic11g
View Weblogic Logs from Console

We deployed an app in a remote weblogic server. They gave us access to the console of the weblogic. But …

REP-110: file cannot be opened

I have the following error: when try to run the report without full path. REP-110: File abc.rdf cannot be …

oracle weblogic11g reportserver
Weblogic Server PermGen errors

When I created datasource and tried to attach to target server, I am getting the following errors, where do I …

weblogic application-server weblogic11g oracle-fusion-middleware