JRE 8 compatibility with weblogic 10.3.6 (11g

user2187029 picture user2187029 · Mar 19, 2014 · Viewed 19.2k times · Source

Could you please help in finding out if JRE 8 would be compatible with weblogic 10.3?

We have a swing based application deployed on weblogic 10.3 server. We want to upgrade our JRE so wanted to check if JRE 8 would be able to run apps deployed on weblogic 10.3


Stephen Felts picture Stephen Felts · Sep 30, 2014

Java 8 is supported on WebLogic Server 12.1.3. It is not supported on 10.3.6, 12.1.1, or 12.1.2.

See https://blogs.oracle.com/WebLogicServer/entry/weblogic_server_12_1_3