Viewing Deployed Apps in Weblogic Server

Mark Estrada picture Mark Estrada · Aug 16, 2011 · Viewed 51.7k times · Source

I am new to weblogic and I would like to find out how my files are arrange in Weblogic? I have used only Tomcat and this is the first time where I will deploy in a Weblogic Server.

In Tomcat, I could view the exploded view of my projects by looking at the Tomcat Home Directory and the WebApps folder. There I could view how my application css/js/resource files are deployed.


I am looking for a similar functionality in Weblogic? Can somebody tell me how? Thanks

I am using Weblogic 10.3.4 by the way


Kal picture Kal · Aug 16, 2011

WebLogic supports several different ways of deploying applications, so the answer to your question is not very straightforward.

Typically, if you deploy a war/ear, then WebLogic will place them in the $WEBLOGIC_HOME/application directory. WebLogic will then explode your ear/war into a separate wl_stage folder that will be under your managedServer directory.

You can also use the ability of WebLogic to autodeploy ( not recommended for production apps ) where WebLogic will automatically explode the app.

In summary, you probably need to reach for the documentation to get all your questions answered.