Weblogc BEA-000449 : Closing socket as no data read from it during the configured idle timeout of 5 secs

Mahesh Nair picture Mahesh Nair · Jun 4, 2010 · Viewed 73.6k times · Source

I have started seeing this message in my weblogic 10 log files. I am running an app with around 40-350 concurrent users. My questions are

  1. What does this error really mean
  2. How will it affect the users (if it does)
  3. What could be causing this



matt b picture matt b · Jun 4, 2010

What does this error really mean

Weblogic is closing a socket used to communicate with one of the server's clients because no data has been sent for more than five seconds, which is the value you have configured for Weblogic's idle timeout.

What could be causing this

Client programs connecting to your server, sending some data, and then either 1) not closing the connection or 2) disappearing.