Weblogic errors after getting deployed (published) : Error 503--Service Unavailable

Jacob picture Jacob · Dec 17, 2012 · Viewed 22.3k times · Source

I have a small web application where I am using Spring, Hibernate and JSF2.0.

I am deploying my application to Weblogic 10.3.6 which in integrated with Eclipse server. When I publish application to server, it gets published(deployed) however it takes quite some time to get published when compared to Glassfish.

The problem I am having is when I try to run application from browser I am getting the following error in browser, though I do not see any errors or exception in logs. How can I resolve this issue? And why it is taking so much to gets deployed to server?

Error 503--Service Unavailable
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.5.4 503 Service Unavailable

The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary 
overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this 
is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. If known, 
the length of the delay may be indicated in a Retry-After header. 
If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD handle the response as it would 
for a 500 response.

    Note: The existence of the 503 status code does not imply that a server 
    must use it when becoming overloaded. Some servers may wish to simply 
    refuse the connection.


Vaibhav Grover picture Vaibhav Grover · Nov 9, 2016

Make sure your deployment is in active state.After deployment your deployed file state is prepared.To change it to active mode follow the below steps:

  1. Click Deployment tab in left side console and go to summary of Deployment.

  2. Now you will able to see the status of your Deployment which will be prepared now.

  3. Click on control tab above.
  4. Select your war file and check start option.
  5. Then select for all services.

It will change state to active mode. ;)