Top "Webdriver" questions

WebDriver is an API for controlling web browsers, imitating a real user.

Selenium WebDriver throws Timeout exceptions sporadically

Using selenium for ui tests on our project. We are running the newest version 2.30.0. We use Firefox WebDriver and are …

c# .net testing selenium webdriver
how does selenium webdriver upload files to the browser?

I am a javascript/java developer and I have been trying to figure out how the selenium webdriver automation framework …

selenium automation webdriver browser-automation selenium-chromedriver
Selenium webdriver selecting new window c#

Trying to write some test cases using selenium webdriver in c# and have a scenario which i'm unsure of how …

c# selenium selenium-webdriver webdriver popupwindow
Selenium webdriver window handles c# switchTo failed

Here comes 2 windows pop out during the testing. my code: string BaseWindow = driver.CurrentWindowHandle; ReadOnlyCollection<string> handles = driver.…

c# selenium for-loop webdriver window-handles
How to handle print dialog in Selenium?

I have to handle print dialog (the same one that appears when clicking ctrl-p in browser). I tried with: Alert …

java selenium webdriver
What's the best way to use Selenium PageObject Design Pattern

I'm creating tests using Selenium 2 Web Driver with C#.Net. After reading through a lot of the Selenium documentation, I …

c# design-patterns webdriver selenium-webdriver pageobjects
Selenium webdriver can't click on a link outside the page

I am having an issue with Selenium WebDriver. I try to click on a link that is outside the window …

java selenium scroll click webdriver
Click the javascript popup through webdriver

I am scraping a webpage using Selenium webdriver in Python The webpage I am working on, has a form. I …

python selenium webdriver web-scraping alert
How to select value in a span element with Selenium testing?

The page I am trying to test has a span element that is actually functioning as a drop down select …

java selenium webdriver web-testing] handshake failed with ChromeDriver Chrome browser and Selenium

When running my python selenium script in Chrome driver I get about three of the below error messages every time …

selenium google-chrome selenium-webdriver webdriver selenium-chromedriver